Honest Answers

Honest Answers

Why do we do what we do?  Why do we want what we want?  From choosing careers to living spaces to relationships, what makes us continue to go back to the same choices over and over?  Why do we choose what we choose, and, more importantly, are we aware of it?

Each moment we are free to choose again, that is why the only thing that is constant in this world is change.  We are all beings living our lives throughout the day making the best choices we know how to make.  Yes, death and taxes are certain but so is your power to choose again, and again, and again.  If we are bold enough to question ourselves, and our motives, the seeds of our intentions, we must be just as courageous to receive an honest answer.

In Day 3 of Whole30, there are little seeds of truth that are being shown to me by the means of nutrition, and if everything is integrated, which it is, I know that these truths not only appear when it comes to food but it is also showing me choices I am making at a deeper root level.  For example, although I do not eat many sweets, I was thinking today how great it would be to sit down and enjoy a piece of pie from my favorite cafe called Elements.  It is a raw food cafe and the pie I am thinking of is Jenny’s White Chocolate Chaga Cheezecake.  It is completely raw, healthy, and has no added sugar.  It tastes like pure heaven and it has been months since I have tasted its goodness.  But for some reason today it came to mind.  Yes, I wanted the desert, but what I wanted more was an entire process which was this; I wanted to get this treat, maybe even two slices, sit on my couch, and watch an episode of something mindless.  The whole process to me seemed comforting and cozy.  In other words, I wanted to lull myself with TV and food.  I began to question myself, why do I want this?  What does it serve?  Would it better my day and help serve my higher purpose on this earth?  I had to be honest, no, no it would not serve me or my day but the honesty had to go deeper than that.

The decision to be lulled for a moment of time by food and/or electronic devices is just a small example of how little things in the outer world distract me from my inner peace or lack of inner peace, which may be calling for an outward distraction so it is not seen or felt.  A piece of pie does not create lasting peace and often we use such delectable treats to persuade us away from those deeper inquiries, from asking ourselves, “why?” and from feeling unwanted suffering.

It is not to say that having sweets or using electronic devices is bad.  Not at all.  But if we pause for a moment before we dive into such indulgences to ask, “why am I doing this?” and then fully listen with an open and honest heart, we just might make a different choice and dive into something else; something more meaningful, loving, and serving. Or perhaps we would say, “I know I am using XYZ to be lazy and to distract myself but I am fully aware I am doing so and I am okay with that.”  There is always something to be said for the power of honest awareness, not to be used as momentary permission for the question at hand, but as a non-judgmental truth we have regarding said moment.

Being honest with ourselves about why we are doing what we are doing is actually empowering.  In taking responsibility for our actions and recognizing that the world does not do anything to us or make us do anything, we are more likely to claim our power and claim the opportunity to choose differently.  We are less likely to blame others and realize how we often blame ourselves but can now understand no one is at fault, as we are always free to choose again.

Truly, I need or want for anything, just a deeper love and understanding of myself and the choices I make.  I need only a breath to ask myself, “why?” and then pause in the stillness that follows to listen for the most honest answer that desires to be shared, that desires to be known.  It is the art of honest awareness to honest answers.
