Something To Believe In

Something To Believe In

If you look more closely at why you do what you do and why you want what you want, you will notice that there is a defining thread that connects the two with common outcomes in your life.  That thread is your core beliefs.  At the heart of our motives, it all comes down to what we believe in.  If our guiding principles are shaky, then so are our actions in the world.  If our actions are steadfast and sturdy, then you can be sure so are the convictions behind them.  Thus, a question worth exploring is, what do you believe in?

In Buddhism the Four Noble Truths are known as the guidelines for the Middle Way and the cessation of suffering.  I have a fellow friend who decided to construct his own Four Noble Truths based on his experience.  In their essence, they are universal truths and the answers to everything that could arise in the human experience, representing the guiding force of his heart.  As I have observed my friend over the years, I can attest that his life is built upon the foundation of his Noble Truths and it is the seat from which he chooses to live his miraculous life.  It is an inspiration.

In 2015 Elizabeth Gilbert published the book, Big Magic, a manifesto based on what she believed signified how to live a creative life.  When she was asked to write such a book, full of her own wisdom, she really had to think about what she believed in and how that ideology has shaped her life.  The manifestation of her thought and dedication in exploring her core beliefs birthed nothing less than pure magic, as I believe it would for any of us if we took the time to reflect on such a profound question about our own personal ideals.

When we first ask ourselves what it is we believe in, the first reply will probably be, “I don’t know” or “Nothing at all.”  Such a question can make us curl within ourselves, with our shoulders slumped, chin tucked, and feeling a bit downtrodden, for we know all too well that if we have based our beliefs on the outer world, where we have been left jaded and, at times, faith-less, such an exploration into our own manifesto can seem futile.  And if this is case, then with authority ask, “Give me something to believe in,” until you are given a solid answer that resonates deep within you, not relying on the outcome of world around you.

There is a 1990 song by the hair metal band, Poison, that sings of such a plea using those exact words, Give Me Something To Believe In, a song that is about various jaded examples in the world from how veterans are treated to the discrepancy between the rich and poor.  However, Brett Michaels also sings of the flip side, when we eventually do receive our answer,

“Sometimes I wish I didn’t know now
The things I didn’t know then.”

If we did actually face what we have been believing in we would really have to face our actions and take responsibility.  As Brett laments, ignorance is sometimes bliss.  We don’t know what we don’t know but when we do, it is undeniable and we will surely be called to action.  When we begin to identity what we truly believe in, life may change, friends may change, and we could become something completely unrecognizable to others and even ourselves.  Yet do not let this deter you from knowing your Noble Truths.

In the song, Calling All Angels, by Train, lead singer Patrick Monahan pleas to have prayers answered by angels and to know of their presence.  Yet in the final line of the song, he sings with wisdom,

“In a world that what we want is only what we want until it’s ours.”

He speaks of the clamber and search until we find, to then desire it no longer.  When we find out why we do what we do or want what we want, we may find it to be anticlimactic and that the chase of not knowing was more mysterious, surprising, and dramatic than living the truth.  Yet knowing the answer is key and living from such beliefs can be quite the experience, if we but release into it and let it show us how miraculous life can really be.

Thus, what do you believe in?  What are your Noble Truths?  If you had to write a book based on your personal manifesto, what would you impart onto the world?  Let your answers leap from your heart and into your actions.  Come to know this thread that guides you in life and that calls others to you.  Give yourself something to believe in.  Namaste.