A Course in Miracles: Lesson 311

Lesson 311

I judge all things as I would have them be.

Father, we wait with open mind today, to hear Your judgment of the Son You love.  We do not know him, and we cannot judge him.  And so we let Your Love decide what he whom You created as Your Son must be” (ACIM Lesson 311 2:1-2).  

We have judged out of fear.  We have judged because we have tried to understand something so grand with the limited human mind, which is unable to comprehend the glory upon which we gaze.  Judgment has set us apart, creating the idea of separation.  Yet today, we unite our vision by letting go of all perceptions, sure that we will shown a world as God created it to be.

How would God see this?  Ask yourself that question in the midst of chaos or confusion.  It is like asking God, “Show me Who and What is before me?”  This is where we release what we have created and instead meet each person, each circumstance, and each gift of God, with the eyes of a child.  We abide in unbridled expectation for the one who stands before us, allowing Love to show up as it will, as it does, and as the One before you.

We are circling around once more to deepen our awareness of earlier concepts from the Course where we realized we have given everything its meaning.  As our journey progresses, we release the words we have memorized, the events we have experienced, and come anew before God so that She may show us things as they were intended to be, without judgment.

Today, be completely OPEN.  Leave aside all expectations and personal judgments.  Let only Love color your landscape.  Dare to see as God would SEE because that is truly Who You Are.  Namaste.