A Course in Miracles: Lesson 298

Lesson 298

I love You, Father, and I love You Son.

Father, I come to You today, because I would not follow any way but Yours.  You are beside me.  Certain is Your way.  And I am grateful for Your holy gifts of certain sanctuary, and escape from everything that would obscure my love for God my Father and His holy Son” (ACIM Lesson 298 2:1-4).

Gratitude…it opens all doors to the heart.  One doesn’t even have to know why to be grateful, as the sheer act of pausing to give thanks opens all doors that were once resistive to love’s flow.  Gratitude can work in any and all situations because it honors that everything is part of the one perfection.  As it is said, “In all things, give thanks,” because whether “good” or “bad” everything serves a purpose for the greater good of all, as “Certain is Your way” (ACIM Lesson 298 2:3).  Everything serves as a means of revealing our true Identity, thus we honor all beings and circumstances with appreciation for their place among our journey.

We are truly blessed beyond measure, born in this holy lineage during this time of ascension.  We are blessed to have come across wonderful teachings such as A Course in Miracles and even more blessed that we have examples in which to apply our daily lessons.  Everything truly works out that divinely.  This all goes back to we need go nowhere but be present to the awakening that is happening right Here.

Even if you catch a moment when you don’t feel particularly blessed or like you are holy Child of God, merely pause and say, “Thank You.” A moment of gratitude will increase the crack of light in the darkened room of your mind.  If you want the band of light to widen, keep reading those words:  Thank you, thank you, thank you.  Let it be a mantra, as your words could not be more true.  In everything, we can give thanks.

“All that intruded on my holy sight forgiveness takes away.  And I draw near the end of senseless journeys, mad careers and artificial values” (ACIM Lesson 298 1:3-4).

Gratitude has the power to open all doors, even doors of hardened heart.  It recognizes there is no past or future, and sees only the holiness that stands right in this moment.  It is the means by which you acknowledge the sacred lineage of Mother God, your Self, and your brothers and sisters.  It is the act of recognizing all that is Real.  Namaste.