A Course in Miracles: Lesson 287

Lesson 287

You are my goal, my Father.  Only You.

“You are my goal, my Father.  What but You could I desire to have?  What way but which leads to You could I desire to walk?  And what except the memory of You could signify to me the end of dreams and futile substitutions for the truth?  You are my only goal.  You Son would be as You created him.  What way but this could I expect to recognize my Self, and be at one with my Identity?”  (ACIM Lesson 287 2:1-7)

There are no other goals but God.  With the flow of life and all the shiny distractions around us, it can be tough to pause for a moment and recognize that what we truly hunger for is Union with our Mother-Father God.  No new car will do.  No new city.  No new job.  No new relationship.  Those things may be changed as we walk towards God but let us not be confused in that those outer things are only the means by which we experience our Union, not the final goal.  They are the byproducts.

Previously, we have discussed the question, “What do I desire most?”  Until the answer is only God, we are still seeking illusions.  We are still chasing the carrot on the stick.  Knowing God and knowing ourselves as God is our purpose, yet it is up to us to align to that energy and desire.

When we desire only God, life does become effortless and the way clear.  Even in the midst of chaos and change, when one chooses God, there is a peace that pervades all understanding and appearances in the outer world.  We move with ease, step by step.  There is no confusion: there is no frustration: there is no suffering, because to choose God means to align with and trust in the goodness of all.  When you choose your Supreme Identity the doubts, shadows, and suffering fall away and only God appears.

Today, with acute awareness, notice what you are still placing before God.  When do you find yourself saying, “When this, then that?”  As you become present to other goals besides God and Your Identity, pause and state today’s prayer and answer each question that it contains.  In the end, what is it that would truly make you happy?  If you have been journeying through the Course, I am confident that your answer would be God.  Only God.  Namaste.