A Course in Miracles: Lesson 110

Lesson 110

I am as God created me.

We revisit a concept we first practiced in Lesson 94.  A Course in Miracles is masterful in that it readdresses this particular statement, as these six words, “I am as God created me,” are so powerful as to bring complete correction to the mind.  This one thought, alone, can ignite the full remembrance.

In our walk together, we have continued to trust and rest in the one sweet Voice of our Comforter.  We have come to know that we have never left Her heart, that we have never done anything wrong, and all that, in which we believe to suffer, is transmuted by the Light of Her eternal presence.  Being as God created you guarantees your happiness, light, and love.  This is Who You Are.  You were created for nothing else but this.

“You need no thought but just this one, to let redemption come to light the world and free it from the past”  (ACIM Lesson 110 3:3).

There is nowhere you go that She does not go.  There is nowhere She goes that you do not go.  It is only in our minds that we have played out this movie we call life.  And what a beautiful life it is, where we have the opportunity to witness our own remembrance.  In the prelude to Prince’s song Let’s Go Crazy, he describes this magical discovery,

Dearly beloved
We are gathered here today
To get through this thing called “life”

Electric word, life
It means forever and that’s a mighty long time
But I’m here to tell you
There’s something else
The afterworld

A world of never ending happiness
You can always see the sun, day or night

Today’s statement is that “something else…A world of never ending happiness.  You can always see the sun, day or night.”  In a world of never ending happiness there is no sickness, death, or misery.  It is a world that has no real opposite.

“In this one thought is all the past undone; the present saved to quietly extend into a timeless future.  If you are as God created you, then there has been no separation of our mind from His, no split between your mind and other minds, and only unity within your own” (ACIM Lesson 4:1-2).

In our practice periods we are asked, once more, to be with the Christ that dwells within us.  In recognizing that we are as God created us, we sift through the images we have created to find the Real Image in which we are.  This is the miracle moment that can tip all the scales, end suffering, end any contraction in the body, and transcend any world.  Regardless what the world shows us or our circumstances, we have the divine invitation to dwell in this moment as a higher consciousness, recalling we are as Love created us.  In this miracle, all time is transcended, arriving at a place of Reality, where All is holy untouched and holy loved.  Everything is truly, and has always been, okay.

“I am as God created me.  His Son can suffer nothing.  And I am His Son”  (ACIM Lesson 110 6:2-4).

We are not waiting for another nor are we waiting for the world to change.  Our walk takes us more into the miracle mindedness that we are who have been waiting for.  We are That which we have been searching for outside ourselves.  We are as clever as the Course in that we have cleverly hidden our light within us and with each practice period we uncover more and more what we have carried with us all along, the living Christ.

“Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you is waiting your acknowledgment as you” (ACIM Lesson 110 9:4).

You are of the One Heart, One Song, One Voice.  You go nowhere without this Light, without God.  You cannot leave it behind.  You cannot give it away.  You can only forget that it is right here within you.  Yet still, it is right here, yes?

Below is a beautiful video by CJ-Chan entitled I Carry Your Heart.  Take a moment, push play, close your eyes, and imagine these words being spoken to you by that Who created you like Herself.  In Her heart, you always live.  Let Her presence within guide you Home.  Namaste.