A Course in Miracles: 10. What Is the Last Judgment?

10.  What Is the Last Judgment?

God’s final judgment is not a judgment at all, rather the end of it.  Judgment has merely served the purpose of awareness, for awareness to eventually slip away to just Isness, to a place beyond nothing more or nothing less, a place of nothing-ness.  The coming lessons are a beautiful time to shine light upon any areas where we still believe there is a mighty God smiting us and condemning us to a hot hell.  It is time for Light to lead us, and our brothers and sisters, out of any hell we created, placed ourselves in, or believe we are headed towards because of the choices we have or are making in life.  The question is when do we find ourselves still saying, “How can God be so loving to include…(insert person, place, event, or circumstance).

“The final judgment on the world contains no condemnation.  For it sees the world as totally forgiven, without sin and wholly purposeless.  Without a cause, and now without a function in Christ’s sight, it merely slips away to nothingness.  There it was born, and there it ends as well”  (ACIM Part II, 10.  What Is the Last Judgment? 2:1-4).

God’s judgment is loving and merciful.  How can perfection judge perfection?  She has given us free will.  God merely answers all our desires with two simple letters, “OK.”

“God, I want to create chaos in my home?”  “Okay”, She says.

“God, I want to pretend that I am small and that everyone in life is against me.”  “Okay,” She says.

“God, I want to be absolutely confused and have no clue why I am here.”  “Okay,” She says.

“God, I want to stop pretending I do not know You.  I want to experience You.”  “Okay,” She says.

“God, I want to know Who I Am.”  “Okay,” She says.

“God, I want to go Home.”  “Okay,” She says.

It is only in our judgment where things are not okay.  And this is what we will step into rectifying in our coming lessons, those slivers of a separate mind asking for forgiveness and love.  Where are we still judging God, our brothers and sisters, and ourselves?  Can we step further into a place where there is no judgment at all:  a place of neutrality and equanimity: a place of true Reality?

“God’s Final Judgment is as merciful as every step in His appointed plan to bless His Son, and call him to return to the eternal peace He shares with him”  (ACIM Part II, 10.  What Is the Last Judgment? 4:1:1).

As the saying goes, “We are where the rubber meets the road.”  It is to say that this is our opportunity to completely SEE with the eyes of Christ and proclaim it.  It is not agreeing with your friends that someone is bad but thinking to yourself that you do not agree but have to say it to stay within social norms.  This is about claiming all Christhood, even when you witness an atrocity and even when it may seem odd to others.  Don’t just stay where rubber meets the road but completely cross over.  Tip the scale!  Can you see Christ as Christ, always?  Can you love all that arises?  Can you even love what you don’t want to love it?  If you can, great.  If you can’t, that’s great too.  No judgment here…or anywhere.

“Be not afraid of love.  For it alone can heal all sorrow, wipe away all tears, and gently waken from his dream of pain the Son whom God acknowledges as His.  Be not afraid of this” (ACIM Part II, 10.  What Is the Last Judgment? 4:2-4).

As we come closer towards the end of our walk together, how far are you willing to go?  If you don’t know, think of someone you know that has mastered today’s question, “What Is the Last Judgment?”  Be around this person(s).  Observe his or her peace, knowing, and being.  Notice his or presence of pure Love.  This is where certain teachers around us are helpful in showing us the way, as we, too, help others in the same manner.  Be not afraid to LOVE this much and receive the same.

If you do not know of such a person to share your holy vision of perfection, let me explore this with you, via the energy of these words:

I see the perfection that is You.  I see your readiness.  I see your willingness.  And I see your completion, in an awakening already completed.  I Love You, exactly as You Are.

To add to that, I leave you with the final words from this section.  May they remind you of your pure innocence beyond any need for judgment:

“This is God’s Final Judgment:  “You are still My holiness Son, forever innocent, forever loving and forever loved, as limitless as your Creator, and completely changeless and forever pure.  Therefore awaken and return to Me.  I am your Father and you are My Son” (ACIM Part II, 10.  What Is the Last Judgment? 5:1-2).
