A Course in Miracles: Lesson 241

Lesson 241

This holy instant is salvation come.

“We have forgiven one another now, and so we come at last to you again.  Father, Your Son, who never left, returns to Heaven and his home.  How glad are we to have our sanity restored to us, and to remember that we all are one” (ACIM Lesson 241 2:1-3).

We celebrate in the living forgiveness.  In its integration, we even let go of the act of forgiveness, where, now, in this holy instant is the entire world, including us, liberated from any sort of imprisonment.  Do you see how we have been so free that we were able to put ourselves into the little prison of our minds, creating a dark, scary world?  Today, we use the holy key within us to unlock our own chains and join the world in its release.

The time is NOW.  Heaven is here ready for your love and playfulness, as you reunite in your everlasting union.  Our Father-Mother God welcomes us Home in Her warm embrace.  We need go nowhere but right here, where the Holy Presence abides.  Namaste.
