A Course in Miracles: Lesson 263

Lesson 263

My holy vision sees all things as pure.

“Father, Your Mind created all that is, Your Spirit entered into it, Your Love gave life to it.  And would I look upon what You created as if it could be made sinful?  I would not perceive such dark and fearful images.  A madman’s dream is hardly fit to be my choice, instead of all the loveliness with which You blessed creation; all its purity, its joy, and its eternal, quite home in You” (ACIM Lesson 263 1:1-4).

Today we are reminded of our innocent image and that of the world’s, if we but take in the truth of the first words of our prayer, the foundation of our pristine vision,  “Your Mind created all that is, Your Spirit entered into it, Your Love gave life to it” (ACIM Lesson 263 1:1).  Love breathes Her eternal life into all that we see.  There is not a moment that passes by that is not laced with Her heavenly signature.  Yet, what is needed to witness Her masterpiece is our holy vision.  Not the sight of human eyes but the eyes of Christ, which resides in each of us.  Our eyes are merely the projector and we, as beings of Light, are the light that shines through highlighting the image of innocence.  We can only change the image before us by recognizing the Spirit that fills our sight and us.

The purification does not take place out in the world but rather within.  Throughout our walk together, She has been teaching us how to purify our minds in order to see Her heavenly masterpiece.  This sort of refinement solidifies our salvation and assures our complete oneness as humanity.

Let your eyes show you the pristine image of your Self, your bothers and sisters, and the world around you, witnessing the One breath of life that connects us all.  Celebrate the Holy Signature you see.  Let it hold you, embrace you, and welcome you home.  Namaste.
