A Course in Miracles: Lesson 273

Lesson 273

The stillness of the peace of God is mine.

Father, Your peace is mine. What need have I to fear that anything can rob me of what You would have me to keep? I cannot lose Your gifts to me. And so the peace You gave Your Son is with me still, in quietness and in my own eternal love for You (ACIM Lesson 273 2:1-4).

 The Course reminds us time and time again that what we seek is already ours. We need but “Be Still and Know That “I Am.” It is peaceful to know we need do nothing. It is peaceful to know we do not have to prove anything. It is peaceful to know that we do not have to travel anywhere or purchase anything. It is peaceful to know that we, also, do not have to do any certain rite or ritual. Peace is here and now.

“If we give way to disturbance, let us learn how to dismiss it and return to peace” (ACIM Lesson 273 1:3)

It is true we live in an ever-changing world that often tests our commitment to the peace that resides in us. The world is like a shiny object to a baby, easily creating distractions. However, all we need do is come back to the Source within. The Source that nurtures our love and that offers the peace and stillness that we have been searching for. Again, we need go nowhere. We are but a breath, a thought, away.  Namaste.