A Course in Miracles: Lesson 274

Lesson 274

Today belongs to love. Let me not fear.

Father, today I would let all things be as You created them, and give Your Son the honor due his sinlessness; the love of brother to his brother and his Friend. Through this I am redeemed. Through this as well the truth will enter where illusions were, light will replace darkness, and Your Son will know he is as You created him (ACIM Lesson 274 1:1-3).

Recently, my partner commented on how when he or I leaves the house each morning, I always say, “Have a great day! Be careful.” He asked me, “Why do you say ‘be careful’?” When he brought this to my attention, I realized how I concluded our morning interaction with a note of fear and the source of this fear was me. I said the words. They came from an energy within me that I was now placing unto him each morning.

His remark also brought to my awareness how often “be careful” or “cuidate,” was spoken to me on my resent travels. As I would meet new people and or spend time with families, I was also left in closing with, “Cuidate! Be careful!” If we always abide in the Hands of God, what is there to be fearful of? In particular in my example of my partner, what am I scared will happen to him?

As we hand our journey over to Love, it is important to be aware of how we would respond to such questions and to not be fearful of what we are fearful of. A lesson like today is a good one to ask, “What am I scared to look at in my life?” It is also just as important to not get too stuck in such a question. It is just a point of awareness as we bring darkened areas to the Light. It is a means of recognizing where we do not trust we, or our loved ones or a certain circumstance, is in the Hands of God, in the Hands of Love.

Today, we experience that we do not have to fear, as we walk with Love, always. We walk with Love through pain. We walk with Love through joy. We walk with love through health. We walk with Love through chaos. And we even walk with Love as we venture from uncertainty to certainty, where fear simply shows itself as just a shade of uncertainty and nothing more. Nothing can harm what God has created.

Trust. Trust, in the Hands that created you as Herself, those Hands that hold you. As the song sung by Jennifer Warnes and Joe Cocker says, “Love lifts us up where we belong.” Let Love lift you up where you belong.

Upon reflecting on my habitual salutation with my partner, I have since changed my closing words, the words that shall lead him, and me, into our day.

“May you rest in the Hands that hold you”

May you, too, rest in the Hands that hold you. May you be aware and present to the miracles in each moment. Maybe that is what we really mean when we say, “Be careful”: Be careful not to miss the love and miracles that sprinkle our daily lives. Those moments are too extraordinary to let pass by unnoticed.
