A Course in Miracles: Lesson 279

Lesson 279

Creation’s freedom promises my own.

I will accept Your promises today, and give my faith to them.  My Father loves the Son Whom He created in His Own.  Would you withhold the gifts You gave to me?” (ACIM Lesson 279 2:1-3)  

The mere fact that we have the freedom to create a world where we believe “we await a future freedom (ACIM Lesson 279 1:2)” is proof alone of today’s statement.  It is the simple proof of our promised freedom; the freedom is already in our hands, in our being, and in our breathed experience.  We have just used that freedom to create a scenario where we are not free.  Is the irony not funny?  All along we have been using the power of Christ to pretend we are not Christ.  Do you see how we are so free and unlimited that we can even trick ourselves?

Today, recognize how you are using your freedom.  Shall you use the gift of your freedom wisely or create more limitations?  Shall you experience the Love of God or shall you continue believe that you must “wait” for it?  The only person withholding anything from you, is you.  Aren’t you ready to let that go too?  Here’s to freedom…
