A Course in Miracles: Lesson 313

Lesson 313

Now let a new perception come to me.

“Father, there is a vision which beholds all things as sinless, so that fear has gone, and where it was is love invited in.  And love will come wherever it is asked.  This vision is Your gift.  The eyes of Christ look on a world forgiven.  In His sight are all its sins forgiven, for He sees no sin in anything He looks upon.  Now let His true perception come to me, that I may waken from the dream of sin and look within upon my sinlessness, which You have kept completely undefiled upon the altar to Your holy Son, the Self with which I would identify” (ACIM Lesson 313 1:1-6).  

What a glorious day of holy vision!  We come to experience that we are the ones with the Last Judgment.  We are the only ones that can release the judgment we have placed upon ourselves.  Once judgment is gone, we create a place of wondrous spaciousness for love to reside.  Do you ever notice how much space your have in your mind when you let go of worry or fear?  God is a grand, spaciousness energy and we must create such an area for Her to abide.

Today is a day we have touched upon many times as we have walked in our remembrance.  However, it is only today that we are given the words to openly celebrate the Light we claim within ourselves, while also seeing it in others.  It is only a celebration that can be had when all judgment is cleared for one’s consciousness.

In order for the ascension to occur, all Lights must be accounted for.  No soul gets left behind.  You go or no one goes.  But the only one that can account for your Light is You.  Recall, we all wait on the Holy Collectivo for everyone to show up in perfect timing.  And today is that day.  Rejoice in your Light and notice how it lights the way for others.  Your new perception is one that is judgment-free, as you are a Wayshower to the world.

Today, walk in the knowing of your Light, your Divinity, and all-encompassing love.  Love has come to replace any perception or judgment you have created.  Now that you have cleared the space, let It lead The Way and All shall follow.  Namaste.