A Course in Miracles: Lesson 352

Lesson 352

Judgment and love are opposites.  

From one come all the sorrow of the world.

But from the other comes the peace of God Himself. 

Forgiveness looks on sinlessness alone, and judges not.  Through this I come to You.  Judgment will bind my eyes and make me blind.  Yet love, reflected in forgiveness here, reminds me You have given me a way to find Your peace again.  I am redeemed when I elect to follow in this way.  You have not left me comfortless.  I have within me both the memory of You, and the One Who leads me to it.  Father, I would hear Your Voice and find Your peace today.  For I would love my own Identity, and find in It the memory of You”  (ACIM Lesson 352 1:1-9).

The need for words eventually comes to an end because all that can be left to do is to just BE and to abide in the holy presence of our Identity.  The need for words will also be no more, as all the choices we have played with before will begin to fade away.  We have played various roles in this lifetime and others and have reached a point where we have exhausted every option and every facet of fear.  The game is coming to an end.  We have narrowed down our journey to the choice of love or fear.  However, as we see the sinlessness in all we come to the awakening of the choiceless choice, that there is only love.

Today, we skip the need for forgiveness because we see sinlessness alone.  We go straight to the heart of others and ourselves and in doing so we see lack in the need for judgment, as there is nothing to judge.  There is only love as we abide in the knowing of our Identity.  We come to rest in the Presence that has never left us comfortless and listen to Her sweet Voice.  Perhaps, She whispers the following words from the song, I Will Not Leave You Comfortless, performed by Jan Phillips,

I will not leave you comfortless

I will not leave you alone

I am the air you breathe in

I’m the light of every star and every dawn.




This is a beautiful mantra that speaks to us of our everlasting peace as we walk side by side with our Comforter.  In Her Presence, and in the recognition of our Identity, peace always prevails.  We come to rest in the comfort of Her Voice and Presence and bypass any alternative choices.  There is no longer the choice between judgment and love.  We go to straight to the choiceless choice, that of only Love.  We come to know that is the only Way.  Namaste.