A Time Of Transition

Welcome To Transition Central!  I have been living in New Zealand for over 3 years and after a lot of soul searching, I (along with my husband, Garnett) have decided to relocate back to the USA.  Why leave such a beautiful country that most consider to be Mother Nature’s Playground?  Good question.  In February, it became a natural conversation such as the one that led us here in 2009.  We just new it was time.  I have been blessed to have traveled throughout this beautiful country where there is no lack of space.  When I go on my runs it is time that leads me back home, not a lack of space or places to explore.  I have also been fortunate to meet some of the most amazing people who have become family to me and who, as I, love travel and adventure.

Currently, I sit in the place of transition.  The loading dock of travelers.  I leave New Zealand in week and find myself in a place that I can only compare to as a sink, where the water on the outer edge is swirling faster and faster into the center.  That is how I feel momentum is building as this transition begins.  Over last few days I have come to realize that transition is another way of saying you are sitting in midst of change both physical, mental, and emotional.  There are moments of happiness, sadness, excitement, trepidation, curiosity, and the list continues.  Each moment, each conversation, provides a different answer to the daily question of “how are you feeling about leaving?”  I have never been one to love this part of change.  Sitting in transition to me is like a band-aid…..”just pull it off already!”  But I made it a point a few months ago when the decision to move was made that I wanted to experience in full this transition and not make myself completely busy and unaware of the process.  Thus, here I am living my roller coaster moment by moment.  I am just lucky to have friends around me who support me in this process. 

I began a blog when I moved to New Zealand to let friends and family know how the transition was going on the other side of the world.  Now, I begin this blog in a similar manner but on a different adventure.  These entries will be to log my transition/travel back to the US.  I will be traveling for 5-6 week across Southeast Asia and Tahiti.  A well thought out trip that includes the sites of Singapore, selfless service in Cambodia, learning through detoxification in Thailand, and ending with a little TLC in Bora Bora.

Stay tuned as the transition and journey unfolds!