A Course in Miracles, or The Course as it is also referred, is a channeled text, published in 1976, by two Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia's University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, Helen Schulman and William Thetford. The following pages are to be a daily walk with those who are working with the 365 lessons in The Workbook section of The Course. This text is not about intellectualizing spirituality but about integrating the teachings in order to fully remember Who and What we truly are. It is about choosing love over fear and forgiveness over judgment.

The purpose of these pages is to encourage simplification of the lessons in A Course in Miracles by utilizing songs, movie clips, photographs, art, and teachings from other healing or spiritual modalities, to remind us that no matter what course, book, or ideology we endeavor to use, it is all based upon the same premise, that there is only Love.  
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God” 
– A Course in Miracles Preface x

Enjoy the journey and the daily Walk in Miracles.

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 60

Lesson 60:  Review Lesson 46 God is the Love in which I forgive. Lesson 47 God is the strength in which I trust. Lesson 48 There is nothing to fear. Lesson 49 God’s Voice speaks to me all throughout the day. Lesson 50 I am sustained by the Love of God.

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 61

Lesson 61 I am the light of the world. Welcome back post-review!  It almost feels like we are recommencing after a summer or winter break.  We have been given time to review previous lessons and to let them sink deeper, integrating them more and more.  Now we find ourselves, more ready than ever, to step […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 62

Lesson 62 Forgiveness is my function as the light of the world.   Today we meet another valuable lesson on forgiveness and take our walk much deeper into this concept.  Previously in Lesson 46, “God is the Love in which I forgive,” we were given the opportunity to experience how God’s Love embraces those who […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 63

Lesson 63 The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness.   Imagine for a moment that a friend asks you for $100 dollars.  You would love to give it to her but you do not have it.  This $100 would give your dear friend much peace of mind as it […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 64

Lesson 64 Let me not forget my function. Do you ever think your function in life is to finally complete your to-do list?  Do you ever think your only function in life is to be a good mother, daughter, friend, brother, father, or colleague? Do you ever think your function is to find a decent […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 65

Lesson 65 My only function is the one God gave me. Often, we wonder what is our purpose for being here?  Today’s lesson answers just that question.  The one question we spend most of our lives, and many lifetimes, on a quest to answer. “It gives you the answer to all the searching you have […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 66

Lesson 66 My happiness and my function are one. The Course is famous for its beautiful, poetic language while at the same time it provokes one to throw it across the room with its confronting truth often put in a rather confusing manner.  As I write this, I think of a friend of mine who […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 67

Lesson 67 Love created me like Itself. Today’s statement is the remedy we all need. It is the healing balm that soothes our identification with mistaken identities. It is the answer to the question, who am I? In our experiences with these words, we are no longer lost and roaming the world in search of […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 68

  Lesson 68 Love holds no grievances. We continue our remembrance that we, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ, are Love. No one is exempt from this Truth in identity. If you feel this cannot be so, know that is the voice for ego, as Source is incapable of such grievances. “Perhaps you […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 69

Lesson 69 My grievances hide the light of the world in me. Do you ever feel like you are invisible to the world? Like no one ever truly sees you? And like you never even truly see yourself? Today, we attempt to change all of that and prove through the practice periods that you are […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 70

Lesson 70 My salvation comes from me. So it is. I Am the Source I have been looking for. I Am the remedy I have been seeking. I Am the cure for my suffering. I Am the Love I have longed for. I Am the Light from which I have always wanted to see. I […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 71

Lesson 71 Only God’s plan for salvation will work.   On our walk of salvation, we have gathered from our practice periods that it is much easier to give up grievances and suffering and skip right to happiness.  We have found that the true answer to any dilemma, deliberation, conflict, or situation presented to us, […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 72

Lesson 72 Holding grievances is an attacking on God’s plan for salvation. In today’s lesson, we step another foot into the ego’s underground lair.  We have been getting intimate with this place, looking around corners and under rocks for how the ego plays out its demise upon our goal of salvation.  It does not behoove […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 73

Lesson 73 I will there be light. I went for a walk this morning because my head felt full.  I was just going to walk around the block to clear things out.  As I was in motion, so were scenarios in my head.  I was running through “what if’s, outcomes, circumstances, conversations to be had […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 74

Lesson 74 There is no will but God’s. On the spiritual journey, as much as peace and happiness are desired, once we are given it, we realize that it can feel very foreign and sometimes uncomfortable.  As we start to awaken to the Truth and choose for peace, we recognize how comforting our suffering used […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 75

Lesson 75 The light has come. Today is a day of celebration!  It is a day in which we see a world forgiven and full of light.  A world of Truth that reflects only what is Real.  It is a beautiful opportunity for every awakened heart, as one sees beyond the shadows. If you have […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 76

Lesson 76 I am under no laws but God’s. This is why forgiveness happens in an instant, because under God’s law nothing need not take any time nor take any effort.  The way is simple, easy, and effortless.  She is but waiting up on our arrival. “The idea for today tells you once again how […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 77

Lesson 77 I am entitled to miracles.   At the beginning of the text in A Course in Miracles, in Chapter 1, there is an entire section dedicated to The Meaning of Miracles.  This part of the text would be great to read in combination with our lesson for today to clarify any questions on […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 78

Lesson 78 Let miracles replace all grievances.   The choice for miracles is so simple and clear.  It does come down to love or fear; forgiveness or judgement; miracles or grievances.  Imagine fear, judgement, and grievances all to be hot potatoes, how long would you choose to keep them in your hands?  Imagine they are […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 79

Lesson 79 Let me recognize the problem so it can be solved.   I have shared with you in earlier lessons that I will often say a prayer as I put in my contacts or when I happen to rub my eyes, “God, please give me Sight that I may truly See.” Touching my eyes […]