A Course in Miracles, or The Course as it is also referred, is a channeled text, published in 1976, by two Professors of Medical Psychology at Columbia's University's College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City, Helen Schulman and William Thetford. The following pages are to be a daily walk with those who are working with the 365 lessons in The Workbook section of The Course. This text is not about intellectualizing spirituality but about integrating the teachings in order to fully remember Who and What we truly are. It is about choosing love over fear and forgiveness over judgment.

The purpose of these pages is to encourage simplification of the lessons in A Course in Miracles by utilizing songs, movie clips, photographs, art, and teachings from other healing or spiritual modalities, to remind us that no matter what course, book, or ideology we endeavor to use, it is all based upon the same premise, that there is only Love.  
"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God” 
– A Course in Miracles Preface x

Enjoy the journey and the daily Walk in Miracles.

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 100

Lesson 100 My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation. I watched a movie last night that had me reflecting on what turned out to be today’s theme:  joy and happiness.  In the movie, A Little Bit of Heaven, the main character played by Kate Hudson, Marley Corbett, is a twenty-something who has everything. […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 101

Lesson 101 God’s Will for me is perfect happiness.   In our Walk in Miracles today, we are once again brought back to “Spirituality 101” in Lesson 101.  We have approached this topic in other manners but the jest has been the same, Who do you think God is?  It sounds nice to say that we […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 102

Lesson 102 I share in God’s Will for happiness for me. Continuing our Walk in Miracle, we are once more called to look at our attachments to certain concepts that we may be unconsciously guarding.  In Lesson 101 we looked at the characteristics of a damaging and judging God we created.  Today, we will look […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 103

Lesson 103 God, being Love, is also happiness.   Let us assume that it is easy to correlate happiness with love.  When we feel loved, we are generally also feeling joyful.  Love and happiness have a symbiotic relationship that can be understood by the mind and the Mind.  However, the mind, ego, sees this happiness […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 104

Lesson 104 I seek but what belongs to me in truth. Space, as defined by Google, “is a continuous area or expanse that is free, available, or unoccupied.”  Everything that exists takes up a certain area while at the same time contains a certain area within.  Even air, which we cannot see and roams free, […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 105

Lesson 105 God’s peace and joy are mine. There is an eloquent flow in the art of giving and receiving, yet not as we know it in the world where one believes when she gives there is now a deficit like the mathematical concept of addition and subtraction.  Rather this flow of energy is effortlessly […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 106

Lesson 106 Let me be still and listen to the truth. Today calls for a courageous step, to be still and listen.  Asking to listen is one thing, for we can often multitask while lending an ear to something else.  Stillness, on the other hand, is different and can seem a bit more overwhelming.  In […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 107

Lesson 107 Truth will correct all errors in my mind.   There is a Truth that is present in every breath.  It pervades our mind, body, and spirit.  It can also be seen waving to us from afar in our outer world, encouraging the end of our slumber.  This Truth is comforting, peaceful, and guaranteed. […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 108

Lesson 108 To give and to receive are one in truth.   Today, we truly immerse ourselves in the process, and place our minds in the symbiotic flow of energy.  Energy cannot be created nor destroyed.  It is through the art of giving and receiving we recognize how energy can be transformed and how the […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 109

Lesson 109 I rest in God. What an opportunity we have in Lesson 109 to experience heaven on earth and to widen its reach across our land.  Regardless of what is happening in the world, resting in God is supremely divine and so peaceful that I can think of no better use of what we […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 110

Lesson 110 I am as God created me. We revisit a concept we first practiced in Lesson 94.  A Course in Miracles is masterful in that it readdresses this particular statement, as these six words, “I am as God created me,” are so powerful as to bring complete correction to the mind.  This one thought, alone, […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 111

Lesson 111 Review III:  Introduction We now embark on Review III, which is designed to be a time for further integration and commitment to our Walk in Miracles.  We are given the next ten days to focus on two lessons per day in order to continue correcting the mind.  Since our last review, we have deepened […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 115

Lesson 115:  Review Lesson 99 Salvation is my only function here. Lesson 100 My part is essential to God’s plan for salvation.

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 116

Lesson 116:  Review Lesson 101 God’s Will for me is perfect happiness. Lesson 102 I share God’s Will for happiness for me.  

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 119

Lesson 119:  Review Lesson 107 Truth will correct all errors in my mind. Lesson 108 To give and to receive are one in truth.