Archives of Health and Wellness

Empowered Transitions

Empowered Transitions If life is a flow then along with it we must go, understanding that at certain times circumstances come to a sense of completion but that nothing is ever final.  We may come to an end of a journey but there is always the next step.  As one experiment comes to a close, […]


Gratitude Often new routines can be a drag to implement.  They require a certain energy and focus so as to not go on autopilot and merely cruise through life.  We are prompted to stop, question, and be present in the process of life, as we attempt to try something new and/or create a positive change […]

The Seed

The Seed Whole30’s nutritional guidelines call for the elimination of grains in one’s diet, even whole grains.  However it doesn’t mean that all carbohydrates are prohibited during the 30 days.  This comes as a surprise because most assume “no grains” means no carbohydrates, but that is not the case, as there are plenty of carbohydrates […]

The Search

The Search There is a delicate balance between experimenting with what life has to offer, to using our encounter with life as a search and rescue mission.  So often we get caught in the search outside ourselves, looking for purpose, meaning, and self-worth as a means of fulfillment.  We buy the latest gadget.  We try […]

Present In The Process

Present In The Process The most honest answer we could give another when asked about our state of being or what it is we are doing in life, is “I am in process,” for that is the only place we could be.  From one moment to the next, we are constantly shifting and changing as […]

Read Between The Labels

Read Between The Labels The best labels are no labels but we cannot dismiss that they serve a purpose and act as waymarkers on the journey of life.  Namely, they give us a clue as to where we are in space and time, helping us to get from point A to point B.  They also […]

Know Your Labels

Know Your Labels Labels…we know them all too well, from food to acronyms for a job to record companies to identifying species of plants and animals.  They are out there in hot pursuit in hopes to aid in defining our life experience, striving to give it meaning and alluring us to fall prey to the […]

What You Know To Be True

What You Know To Be True What is it that you know to be absolutely true?  Recall that an undeniable truth cannot change or have an opposite:  What is true, is true always.  Thus, for you, what falls into that category and what does not? Sincerity is a noble characteristic.  It is one we are […]

Self-Discipline and Self-Love

Self-Discipline and Self-Love We all have self-discipline.  In one or many areas of our lives we have a certain level of “stick-to-it-ness” and refuse to abandon our commitment at all costs.  Many have this level of self-motivation to read each day, others to meditate, some to exercise, and there are those that carry this dedication […]

Well Fed

Well Fed There are many reasons for making nutritional changes:  boredom, weight loss, reflection, a much-needed rest for the digestive system, health-related issues and conditions, curiosity, spiritual or religious, or because a friend or family member is doing it alongside with you.  The reason for undertaking such an endeavor can be a generous motivator throughout […]