Archives of Health and Wellness

Fed Up

Fed Up In order for real change to take place, one must be so fed up with the old that there is no other choice but the new.  The former way of life must no longer hold us in her grips, allowing room for existence to be altered as needed.  But no matter how you […]

The Heart Of Hunger

The Heart of Hunger During any nutritional change one is always drawn to the heart of hunger, the root of appetite.  As someone commits and embarks on a new diet, there are moments of clarity when one realizes her propensity to certain foods and the momentary gains from eating them.  Making any changes in our […]

The Way Out

The Way Out We all have so many hopes and dreams but why is it that so many of them go unpursued?  We have the entire world at our fingertips.  We have all the time in the world yet not a moment to lose, dancing the thin line between freedom and urgency.  We live in […]

The Menu of Life (Menú De Vida)

Menu of Life (Menú De Vida) Life is like a buffet.  You are given a plate, the body, and then you are given a myriad of foods to try, the endless choices in life.  Today, for our subject’s sake, we are going to go at this with an international flare and in two languages, Spanish […]

Thought Is Worse Than Action Or Outcome

Thought Is Worse Than Action Or Outcome When I received the book, Whole30, in the mail and began reading it, my mind started to entertain the question, “How am I going to do this nutritional change?”  I was mostly concerned with the fact I was going to have to include some sort of eggs, fish, […]

Each Day Is A Walk In Miracles

Each Day Is A Walk In Miracles How would life be if we lived as if each step was a miracle?  We would awaken to the mystery of how the clouds moved by a wind we could not see or feel, wondering if we, too, are moving in the same sort of invisible flow.  We […]

Whatever Tomorrow Brings

Whatever Tomorrow Brings Participating in the Whole30 for 13 days, and counting, I recognize how much planning it has taken to ensure I have maintained within the program’s guidelines, especially when it comes to having an animal source protein readily available.  In recent years, I have practiced mostly a vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, making meals that plan […]

Something To Believe In

Something To Believe In If you look more closely at why you do what you do and why you want what you want, you will notice that there is a defining thread that connects the two with common outcomes in your life.  That thread is your core beliefs.  At the heart of our motives, it […]

When Is Enough, Enough?

When Is Enough, Enough? What is enough these days?  In a world inundated with plenty, it is tough to tell.  We live in a time where grocery store shelves are over-stocked, where there is a fast-food chain on every corner, usually open for 24-hours a day, and where media outlets send us endless messages that […]

Attitude Changes Altitude

Attitude Changes Altitude There is a well-known saying that attitude changes everything.  Attitude can take you up, down, or keep you neutral but wherever it takes you, it does take you somewhere. When you were a child remember when your parents got you try a new food and just by the look of it, for […]