Archives of Spain

The Way Out

The Way Out We all have so many hopes and dreams but why is it that so many of them go unpursued?  We have the entire world at our fingertips.  We have all the time in the world yet not a moment to lose, dancing the thin line between freedom and urgency.  We live in […]

Dare To Discover

Dare To Discover On October 12, 1942, Christopher Columbus landed on the island known today as, the Bahamas, completing his 5-week voyage from Spain to discover America.  Today, the event is marked as, “El Día de la Hispanidad,” a day in which Spain celebrates Christopher Columbus’s voyage and expansion of the Spanish crown.  What most […]

A Box Or A Springboard?

A Box Or A Springboard? In the morning when we open our eyes, we have the choice to meet the day as if we are in the same old box or as if we are at the edge of a springboard, ready to dive into something new.  Can you guess which is a healthier and […]

The Heat of the Moment

When The Heat Is On It is touching close to 100 here in Salamanca, Spain and the heat is on!  Per the Spaniards recommendation, the shades are down while the bright sun is out to keep in as much cool air as possible.  Air conditioning in the homes of Northern Spain is not typical, thus […]

The Miracle of a Second Language

The Miracle of a Second Language Life serves as a buffet of awakening experiences, leaving us privy to a plethora of choices to observe our own enlightenment.  These are opportunities in which we can view the magnificence of our own light and limitless capabilities.  We come to this point because we were sick of bouncing […]