Archives of Spiritual

A Course in Miracles: What is Sin?

4.  What is Sin? Sin is not a word used very often in our lessons.  We see the term, “sinlessness,” quite a bit but not the three-letter word, “sin,” as it is stated so boldly in our focus for the following passages.  As one is on a spiritual journey, I have found there are certain […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 251

Lesson 251 I am in need of nothing but the truth. “And for that peace, our Father, we give thanks.  What we denied ourselves You have restored, and only that is what we really want” (ACIM Lesson 251 2:1). Many who venture to participate in a meditation retreat often comment how the practice of meditation […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 250

Lesson 250 Let me not see myself as limited. “He is Your Son, my Father.  And today I would behold his gentleness instead of my illusions.  He is what I am, and as I see him so I see myself.  Today I would see truly, that this day I may at last identify with him” […]

A Course in Miracle: Lesson 249

Lesson 249 Forgiveness ends all suffering and loss. “Father, we would return our minds to You.  We have betrayed them, held them in a vise of bitterness, and frightened them with thoughts of violence and death.  Now would we rest again in You, as You created us” (ACIM Lesson 249 2:1-3). The only end to […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 248

Lesson 248 Whatever suffers is not part of me. “Father, my ancient love for You returns, and lets me love Your Son again as well.  Father, I am as You created me.  Now is Your Love remembered, and my own.  Now do I understand that they are one” (ACIM Lesson 248 2:1-4). Suffering is an […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 247

Lesson 247 Without forgiveness I will still be blind. “So would I look on everyone today.  My brothers are Your Sons.  Your Fatherhood created them, and gave them all to me as part of You, and my own Self as well.  Today I honor You through them, and thus I hope this day to recognize […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 246

Lesson 246 To love my Father is to love His Son.   “I will accept the way You choose for me to come to You, my Father.  For in that will I succeed, because it is Your Will.  And I would recognize that what You will is what I will as well, and only that. […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 244

Lesson 244 I am in danger nowhere in the world.   “Your Son is safe wherever he may be, for You are there with him.  He need but call upon Your Name, and he will recollect his safety and Your Love, fro they are one.  How can he fear or doubt or fail to know […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 245

Lesson 245 Your peace is with me, Father. I am safe. “Your peace surrounds me, Father. Where I go, Your peace goes there with me. It sheds its light on everyone I meet. I bring it to the desolate and lonely and afraid. I give Your peace to those who suffer pain, or grieve for […]

A Course in Miracles: Lesson 243

Lesson 243 Today I will judge nothing that occurs. “Father, today I leave creation free to be itself.  I honor all its parts, in which I am included.  We are one because each part contains Your memory, and truth must shine in all of us as one” (ACIM Lesson 243 2:1-3). A good mantra for […]