Archives of Transition Back To US

Raw, Real, And The Universal Language

What makes a place sacred? Spiritual? A few posts ago I mentioned that Cambodia is not considered one of the more spiritual places in the world. On the surface with the corruption, lack of structure, haggling, etc, yes, it doesn’t scream of that which is spiritual and sacred. But I was forced to take a […]

Last Day At Joy Daycare Center

I started to miss the kids already a couple of days prior to my final day. I knew this was just a 2 week placement but still found myself growing attached to these beautiful souls. In such a short time we have grown to understand one another. Although we barely speak a common language, there […]

Giving Of Gifts Or Service?

Cambodians are a very interesting bunch and to fully experience this a trip to a market or two is needed. It is one thing to do this on your own but another as you go with a Cambodian for a specific reason; to help those truly less fortune in a country where everyone is in […]

Name That Itch!

After spending the last 3 years of my life cold, I am definitely getting what I asked for on this trip, HEAT. A way of staying cool in the Cambodian heat is the use of the oscillating fan. Yes, it keeps you somewhat cool but often times I find it drying out my contacts or […]

Full or Am I?

Last night our host family cooked us a Korean style barbecue. It was similar to fondue in that you have all these items from vegetables to fish and meat all cooked on a grill in front of you then dipped in an amazing soy based sauce. To top the night off we finished with fresh […]

Beauty Within The Chaos

As I reflect on my first week in Cambodia and even my time since I left New Zealand, a common thread of thought has been woven through each day, where is my peaceful oasis? I have grown an even deeper appreciation for the land of New Zealand; the luscious bush country, the clean air, and […]

And My Heart Broke Wide Open

My heart completely opened today. I jumped back in with the 2 year olds to give them some consistency and also to step up to what I was feeling like a challenge. Today improved from yesterday as I implemented what I like to call “creative expansion time.” At least that is what I called in […]

How Can I Reach These Kids?

Today began the volunteer work in Cambodia. It was an eye opening day and one that had me feeling many emotions. Here’s some background before I go any further…. Volunteer Placement: Joy Day Care, Phenom Penh, Cambodia Children: Ages 2-7 Description: 30-40 Children from 2 dumps (landfills) just outside the city of Phenom Penh who […]

All In The First Day Including A Fried Bird….

Our first day in Cambodia started with embracing a moon cake for breakfast as a celebration for the Moon Festival, a day adopted from the Chinese once a year to honor the full moon. We furthered the celebration in the evening with more offerings and lighting special ornaments. Somehow on my first morning I found […]

With Cambodia I Begin To Listen

A common question about this transition is “what next?” I was recently told a good quote from my husband as he read the book Quantum Warrior. The author discusses his 2-3 year sabbatical to contemplate his career and how he had no other plans but to listen because in taking time to listen we find […]