Archives of Well Being

The Substitute Teacher

The Substitute Teacher There will never be a substitute for that in which we truly hunger.  One well and one well only, the well that lies within can only quench our insatiable thirst.  But if we take a moment and become aware of our chosen substitutes, we open the door for them to become our […]

The Fullness of the Moment

The Fullness of the Moment What to eat…  With the accessibility of the Internet and its endless supply of knowledge, in addition to the various documentaries on the subject, it can be tough to determine what is really good for you to consume.  One site or film will say that Paleo is bad, another will […]

What Do We Really Hunger For?

What Do We Really Hunger For?   The Buddha taught that the root of all suffering was craving and aversion and it is often those roots that feed our addictions in life.  We are junkies looking for the next “hit”:  the new electronic device, the cookies in the pantry, the discounts at the grocery store […]

If Life’s A Game, Why Not Have Fun With It?

If Life’s A Game, Why Not Have Fun With It?   I recently talked with a first time mom of a 15-month-old son.  She mentioned to me how between her and her husband’s job, that it is tough to get in time to just have fun together.  As with most relationships, they have been putting “getting […]

Challenging Yet Comfortable

Challenging Yet Comfortable It is good to get uncomfortable every now and then, and with the start of a new year, in our culture, it seems to be a good time to take on such an endeavor from a new health regimen to bettering our finances to taking steps towards creating the life we’ve always […]

Living With Intention Is Intended Living

Living With Intention Is Intended Living In 16th century Spain, Santa Teresa de Ávila (also known as Santa Teresa de Jesús) created a bold stir in the Catholic church.  As she entered into her first convent in 1535, with the desire to marry God and no other, she realized how askew the life of a […]

Honest Answers

Honest Answers Why do we do what we do?  Why do we want what we want?  From choosing careers to living spaces to relationships, what makes us continue to go back to the same choices over and over?  Why do we choose what we choose, and, more importantly, are we aware of it? Each moment […]

Question Everything

Question Everything…Absolutely Everything.  Even Yourself.  Children are beautiful little buddhas reminding us of our innate innocence.  They look at all things with fresh eyes as they come to find their toes, learn their names, and discover their place in this place called earth.  They don’t fully understand what it means to be human, yet, but […]

The Miracle of Nutrition: Introducing Whole30

The Miracle of Nutrition:  Introducing and Beginning Whole30 I have spent the last few years being mostly vegan and/or vegetarian.  It has been a choice that has come naturally over years of experimenting with various nutrition regimens.  My body and mind felt lighter with a more vegetable, legume, and grain based diet.  Not to mention […]

Sacred Sight

Recently, I talked with someone who is recovering from having two kidney stones removed.  This is the second time she has had kidney stones in three months.  I knew it three months ago, and still know it today, that her body is telling her something.  The body is a miraculous and highly evolved communication tool, that […]