Each Day Is A Walk In Miracles

Each Day Is A Walk In Miracles

How would life be if we lived as if each step was a miracle?  We would awaken to the mystery of how the clouds moved by a wind we could not see or feel, wondering if we, too, are moving in the same sort of invisible flow.  We would awaken to all the subtle sounds that resonate around us like the birds or a car in the distance or the sweet melody of no sound at all.  We would react to each encounter with our fellow brothers and sisters as a wondrous blessing and recognize the miracle that stands before us.  Thus, we would be more aware that we are already a pilgrim exploring the ways of how we are continuously surrounded by love and happiness.

The truth is every step and every breath is a journey in miracles because it is you that is doing the walking.  It is our jaded mindset that keeps us from recognizing this is so, which is built upon our resistance to forgive and forget the past and the propensity to try and control the future.  Happiness is so close to us that it is even a click away where one can simply type in “happiness” in her Internet search engine and be gifted with quotes, pictures, and videos to lift the mood.  That is the magic of technology and how it can be used to aid in our journey within.  However, although it is well and good to type something into the Internet search engine, what if we searched our internal engine for the happiness and love we are naturally made of?

Currently, I am watching as women walk outside my window holding signs and wearing pink in solidarity for the march that is taking place in Washington, D.C.  It is a powerful scene to witness as both men and women take the streets of the city in support for women’s rights.  Talk about a walk in miracles, as it is women who gift the world with the miracle of life.  I watch in awe as I am inspired by their conviction for our cause because it is not just a woman’s issue but also an issue for us all in how we are treated in the world and how we treat ourselves.  I look at this march of women as a sign of awakening and union.  Truly, time is up for the way things used to be and it is time to live by the truth that is staring us in the face.  We can no longer wait for the world to change, it is up to us to be that change.  As Mahatma Gandhi said,

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

I observe these men and women, these walking miracles, and feel blessed to be living in a time where the knowledge of miracles, love, and consciousness are at the forefront of conversation.  It is hard not to be aware of what is happening in the world today and the glorious changes that are upon us.  Although at times how things are played out can look suspect, love is still the driving force and is sure to win, for love always wins, if we can only endure the contractions that come with the birth of this light, which I know we can.  I am grateful for those who have endured so that because of their mistreatment we all stand and walk together today, as even in the face of atrocities there is still the birth of miracles.

I shall now go out and join the energy of this movement, this walk in miracles.  Although today it appears to be a bigger manifestation, I know that each day provides its own sacred and mysterious movement.  Each day provides its own invitations for one to look within to see the miracles that we are and the ones that always surround us infinitely.  Namaste.