No, I’m Not On My Honeymoon!

As I topped off my journey in Bora Bora, it was a true treat for both Garnett and I.  As we planned this part of our trip months ago it was thought of nothing more than a pure bucket list item in an already fun adventure.  I longed to see the beautiful beaches, swim in the warm sea, and maybe catch a little R & R before hitting US soil.  All of this and more was definitely achieved on this last leg of our trip.

The one thing I had not anticipated in Bora Bora was the repetitive question “are you on your honeymoon?”  If I had a dime for every time someone asked us that question, our trip would be paid for and then some.  I really didn’t care that we kept getting asked that question.  I was actually flattered that we looked young enough to be considered newlyweds.  I was more surprised by the response that kept coming up in my head, which, no, I did not put a voice to except only to my husband.  So, the question “are you on your honeymoon?”  My internal monologue of an answer, “thank god we are not!”

I say this with all the love in the world.  We had a wonderful honeymoon 5 years ago but I am glad the honeymoon is over.  I wouldn’t trade the ups and downs over the past 5 years for those first hours, days, months, etc of our marriage.  And I think it took being asked if we were newlyweds to really appreciate how far Garnett and I have come as a couple and how close living abroad has made us.  It’s like the aging processes.  If you see someone everyday, it is hard for you to notice if he/she is aging.  Not until you take a moment to step outside the picture do you notice how the person you see each day has been changing right before your very eyes.

I take a moment and realize how we both have changed over the years.  How young we were when we first met and how young we both still are.  How our hopes and dreams change and how we can respect that constant change in one another.  How we can even love, even hope for, the stupid things that happen in a marriage, usually done by the male (let’s be honest here).  Case in point, within the first 8 hours of being in the US as I am waiting for Garnett to pick me up outside of a yoga studio in Santa Monica at 7:30 at night, he is fast asleep in the car at the Santa Monica Pier leaving me with nothing more than my skimpy yoga clothes on and no way of getting in touch with him.  I can laugh now but at the time I had no clue what happened to my dependable husband and was truly praying that he did something stupid.  Luckily, my prayers were answered to find out that he just fell asleep and it wasn’t something serious like a car accident.  Just add it to the adventure!    

But that is what I love about our marriage.  Our adventure isn’t just over the past 5 weeks traveling across Southeast Asia but it is the daily adventure.  We are still unclear about what is ahead as we transition back to the US but we both embrace this unknown.  Really, the best part is just knowing that I have someone to share this journey with and of course to remind me that it is okay to not always know my next step.

One thing we do know, cell phones are now in order….you know, in case of those “stupid” moments.  Here’s to the unknown and to those with whom we share it with!