The Walk Continues…

Dear Miracles,

Thank you for your patience as I have stepped away for another “Walk in Miracles.”  I recently ventured to Peru where I once more abided in the unknown and ever unfolding presence of the Divine.  I had a hike planned at the beginning of my journey but beyond that, it was a series of opportunities in saying, “Yes!” to whatever arose.  It was a time of witnessing how our next step is always alit in this very breath.  We need not plan or worry about the future, as we are met in this very moment, with the perfection of our being and surroundings.  We have the eternal gift of our own Divine knowing of when to stay and when to go from our current state of what we come to know as the Now.  It is in that gift, where we are free to explore our own Truth and Reality in whatever arises…Now.

The miracle of Reality is just a shift back to the heart, no matter our physical location or state of being.  It is always accessible.  In an ever-contrasting and changing world, there is still the universal hum of love that orchestrates the symphony of life.  It is the musical note of our breath.  It is the musical note of our being.  And it is the musical collaboration of our hearts that sing the eternal love song of the Creator.

I am very grateful for my journey in Peru and for the beautiful souls the crossed my path and welcomed me into their homes and lives.  It was another journey in witnessing that only love is real.  And that regardless of the state of the world, love, indeed, is winning and always wins.  As we continue to Walk in Miracles through the lessons of A Course in Miracles, I am sure there will be reflections upon my journey, which I have come to call, Peru:  The Unexpected Miracle.  I look forward to witnessing what may come through with the inspiration of the words from the Course.

There also may be future dates where our walk together in the lessons may be paused in a “written” sense, however, the journey is always the same and always continues, that of witnessing Miracles.  In such, I appreciate your flexibility and patience.  As we walk forward, I would like to share with you a video I created regarding my walk to the Well of Mercy last fall.  You each walked with me in your loving presence and I thank you for your continued commitment to your walk, your path, and your pilgrimage to the Divine that resides within You, always.  Namaste.