The Walk to the Well


Miracle Workers,

I wanted to send out a message to thank you all for your love and support as I took A Walk in Miracles on the road and walked to The Well of Mercy.  It was a 125 mile journey full of love, peace, and, of course, miracles.  Each day presented its own teaching theme:  fear, love, food, the body, etc.  It was an act of truly walking in the lessons of A Course in Miracles, highlighting that if we pay close enough attention to our own walk in our daily lives, we will see that the book is merely a compendium.  You are already the miracle, witnessing miracles.

There are many highlights to share and I am sure those will come soon.  Until then, I would like to extend my gratitude for each of your loving thoughts and prayers.  Love truly transcends space and time, as your energy was the wave that carried my feet onward.  In your vibrations you also helped send me angels at just the right moment.  I attribute my experience to the positive vision you maintained.  You saw a fellow Sister of the Light in love and peace rather than fear.  And that shift rippled through time and made all the difference, not only in my journey but in those I met.  That is the shift that changes our entire world and cosmos and it came from YOU.

My journey could not have taken place, nor been as miraculous, without you.  We, indeed, walked together in peace and continue to do so.  The journey never ends, it merely changes form and shape but the intention of peace is woven throughout.  Thank you, once more, for your Being.  My heart is full of gratitude.  It is because You Are, that I AM.

Walk On…