What You Know To Be True

What You Know To Be True

What is it that you know to be absolutely true?  Recall that an undeniable truth cannot change or have an opposite:  What is true, is true always.  Thus, for you, what falls into that category and what does not?

Sincerity is a noble characteristic.  It is one we are all capable of displaying but rarely use in regards to ourselves.  Often we shield ourselves from the truth that stands before us, for it can be confronting and call us to change in a way that we may not be ready for.  It may be what we have been requesting but are not yet committed to seeing through.

Truth is what lies beyond what the thinking mind thinks, what the stomach hungers, and what the eyes can see.  There is a beautiful practice of meditative inquiry called, “Who Are You?” where Person A sits in front of Person B while one of two repeats the question, “Who Are You?” with the other one responding.  This question is asked over and over again until the person replying comes down to the basic truth of who she is, which is often left as an absence of words.  Once we bypass all the roles, names, and responsibilities that we give ourselves there is an innate truth about us that is unchanging and undeniable in any circumstance.  It is this Truth that we seek when we find ourselves searching in our addictions:  food, TV, Internet, shopping, sex, alcohol, drugs, etc.

This Truth is available to us in each moment, if we but pause and ask ourselves, sincerely, “What do I know to be true in this very moment?”  Once we sift beyond the exterior, we find that an inner world of love abides freely within us to feed upon, and what is love but Truth?  We are more than the work we do, the friends and family we represent, the hobbies we partake in, and the food we choose to eat.  It is true that our Truth is woven throughout each of these things but it is not them.  It is this Truth that we must come to utilize within ourselves as a means of support and nourishment and is the noblest of disciplines worth our discipleship.

The courage to change is our means to touch Truth.  It is in letting go of who we thought we were that we gain the clarity and confirmation of what we already are.  This change can come from any direction and can be big or small, for Truth knows no difference between a grand gesture or the detail of a simple compliment.  Truth just is.  Thus, whether change comes from our nutrition, an exercise regimen, moving physical locations, or asking for help from a therapist or loved one, it does not matter just as long as we commit to taking that step towards seeing our Truth.

On Whole30, what I thought I needed over a month ago, nutritionally, to fuel my day, I no longer need.  That which I was dependent upon, which I thought was true, has changed.  In altering my eating habits and my taste buds, I have come to understand more fully my relationship with food and with myself.  Food has been the medium for learning more about what is true always, that which is my source of real nourishment, that eternal well within each of us.

Perhaps it is helpful today to pause each hour and ask yourself, “What do I know to be true in this moment?” allowing yourself to move beyond the exterior world to access the deeper well within you, recognizing that nothing new is arising but what is new is your awareness to it.  A dear friend once told me, “Truth needs no publicity,” and if you reflect on this, you will see its validity reflected throughout your life.  Truth needs no justification, no big sirens, no fan fare, and no website.  Truth just is.  May we rest with that on our plates as we digest our day, knowing that we can digest Its properties but It shall never change.  Namaste.